Someone at an international magazine (FabUPlus Magazine) was interested enough to publish me. The magazine's claims to fame is a #magazine for everyday #women created by everyday women, is it true?
Hey all I'm going to jump right in, because the tea is too sweet so no need to make you wait. Here goes I was doing what I call social media playing and I see that I have a message, but since I wasn't expecting anything I kept working. Something kept nagging so I went to see and what the message was about and all I see is the logo from #FabUPlus . Me being the nonchalant person I am I see it and say oh no they must have made a mistake and messaged me. I even told my mom this she call after I had just opened the message. She being Mom said just check with them or respond and if you are wrong person which I doubt they will let you know. She is hands down my biggest supporter.
"…,they must have made a mistake and messaged me."
Turns out they new exactly who they were contacting and it was not a mistake at all. Here is the catch though, I had 2 and a half days to get everything in. I was up for the challenge of course. I gave everyone a chance to get up mostly and I started calling and messaging to get it done and get it done we did.
My Moment is Building
I was out of town when everything was confirmed and sealed, so I left my daughter with my mom , I back on the road I came back home the next day where the #photographer was. I gathered my #wardrobe, beat my face to e #makeup gawds and went to make magic. Thanks to Photographer and #Artist Christopher Russell he was willing to take on the last minute very specific project. Fast forward the got the edits to me and I got them along with the other things in to the nice people over at FabUPlus. It is finally happening and I could not be more excited and grateful. Someone at an internationally published #magazine was interested and I was so excited, because I would now have the opportunity to say my word of positivity and really impact a wide range of women.
Waiting Game
To be honest it all seemed like a lot in a short period of time and it was, but I enjoyed every moment of it. I actually did another #photoshoot the next night which was equally fulfilling. I have to be honest out of the entire process the hardest part was the waiting. I had to hold this secret for over a month and though keeping a secret is not difficult at all for me it was the exciting nature of the secret that made it so much more difficult. The whole process was quite exhilarating and I can not wait to do it again. This model life is totally worth the long nights the crazy deadlines and everything else that comes with it.
P.S. You guys should total subscribe to FabUPlus Magazine it's a magazine for everyday women by everyday women and all the women that saw mine totally love it so there's that. And That's My Word!