As Most of you know if you follow me I am on the mission to become on the Baton Rouge, La Ambassador for Jose Pagan's 2019 Photo tour. This means I will need 8 participants that will be in the area or lives in the area in January when Jose plans on coming here. To do that I will need you all the secure your deposits by the end of November. If you are interested feel free to contact me at the email address on the flyer for more details.
The best way I can put it is a celebrity photographer that is really talented is interested in come to our area let's get him so we can show everyone what Louisiana is made of. This is not about me being famous, because let's be realistic here it's gonna take a lot more then that. This is about having a highly sought after photographer coming to Louisiana a place that is often overlooked to not just give myself opportunity, but also the other talented people in the area. It's not just a Photo shoot it's a great networking opportunity. Incase you missed it Jose Pagan was just named as one of the top 10 photographers in the plus size industry by none other then the Curvy Fashionista herself! Here is the link
If you would like to check out Jose more here is the link to his website.
Here is the link to the Phototour.
2018 Phototour with Jose Pagan
I hope to be meeting some of you Models, Aspiring Models, Boutique Owners etc.