Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Grinch Didn't Steal Christmas (My Holiday Season)

Lets see it started with a ball and a red dress
Well Actually let me rewind it didn't really start there in the mist of all of the chaos of the the season (I work retail as you all know) a bullet few and My Madea (my grandmother) died and really it was unexpected and out of the blue LITTERALLY!! Everyone buckled down did what they had to do and we made it threw. Even my mother did and I'm happy about that because to be honest I just wasn't sure that she would-- that's another story for another day--but I put my well rehearsed happy strong face on and well now I'm here and now. Now that I think of it that was also the week I met my real life angel or as close to one as you can get that is human-- and that is as much as you need to know about him--but it made me realize though everything does happen for a reason-- and to think that's my favorite saying-- ANYWAYS! Me the night before the funeral-- because Madea would have just told me to fix my face so a smile was in order (as much as people thought they knew) they didn't-- we really had a special relationship that took until I was almost grown to develop, but it was worth the wait-- Fast forward--and it ended with a black dress-- well two of them they were both fabulous I enjoyed with a few of my coworkers another ball--I only went to two of them of course you have to be invited--and since most people know I am a mostly anti-social work-a-holic those invites don't just come rolling in though- I must admit I was invited to another but, I was working-- bye the end of the night on the second--- This was me dead tired I mean I work so much I actually got dressed at the place--AFTER I CLOCKED OUT OF COURSE! And my brilliant coworker Serena got to laugh at all the craziness!! The other black dress well I don't have a picture in it that I Love, besides a silly selfie and the whole dress does not come close to showing---I love that dress can't wait until I have another good reason to wear it-- but it was New Years & I attempted to go out when I should have just went to church, but I did my year end/in prayer ( remember those Sunshine, Sirrena and Dana)-- I still do that!! The 1st picture is before I left home on my way to Dimples you all know and love that bar & the second picture was me after being there for about 30mins & realizing I should have taken my allergy meds first smoke is not my friend- I was gone in an hour!! What can I say do what you like play how you like live how you like what is suppose to be will now matter what--happy new years--AND THAT'S MY WORD

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